Okay, I got this from Ramona's site and decided to give it a whirl.
When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Luckily, Mitch does the majority of the shopping, but when I do go...yes.
In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? I am shy if I don't know you. If I know you, you can't shut me up.
Do you take compliments well? Not really. And I don't try!
Do you play Sudoku? Never heard of it!
If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? I would like to think so.
Do you like nipple rings? No no and no. What kind of a question is this?
Did you ever go to camping when you were a kid? Yes, lots! And Mitch and I still go at least once or twice a summer.
What was your favorite game as a kid? Tag.
Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? Yes.
Do you like to pursue or be pursued? Somewhere in the middle.
Do any songs make you cry? Not much makes me cry!
Are you continuing your education? No.....No..... and NO! I think 3 college degrees is quite enough. I am sick of school!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know how to shoot a gun? Yes. Love going to the range! Have not been in while.
If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grab? After the furkids? The photo albums!
Do you think more about the past, present or future? Depending on my mood. For family and friends I think a lot about the past.
What color are your eyes? Brown.
How tall are you? 5’3”
Where was the furthest place you traveled today? Today? To work....40 miles one way.
Do you like mustard? Yes, espicially on ham.
How long does it take you in the shower? 15 minutes normally, unless I need to shave my legs!
Can you do splits? Nope. Never.
What movie do you want to see right now? I don't know what is playing!
What did you do for New Year's? Forced Mitch to stay up to midnight and then we went to bed.
Do you think The Grudge was scary? Uh.....are you joking.....? Not even close to being scary!
Do you own a camera phone? Yes, free upgrade from Verizon.
How many hours of sleep do you get a night? I try for 8, but usually get between 6-7.
Do you like care bears? When I was a kid, not now!
What do you buy at the movies? We don't go to the movies. The prices are ridiculous and the last movies we saw at the Theatre stunk!!
Do you know how to play poker? No.
Do you wear your seatbelt? Of course.
Is your tongue pierced? Are you joking?
Do you like Liver and Onions? Love them!
Do you like funny or serious people better? Funny, someone has to be, because I am a pretty serious person.
Do you steal or pay for your music downloads? I don't ever download music.
Are you a gullible person? I don't think so, but Mitch would disagree.
Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? I could be happy on my own, with the furkids, of course, but would rather be with my husband until I part this world.
If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what would it be? Retired!!!!!!!!!
Are you easy to get along with? I think so, people seem to like me. And if they don't.........oh well! Life is too short to sweat the small stuff!!!
Would you rather sleep alone or with someone? I sleep better alone, but perfer sleeping with my husband or the furkids when Mitch is out of town.
Would you give up the one you love/care for the most to become immortal? No!
What kind of tea do you like the most? Green tea.